Easter Lily
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

The Easter lily's (Lilium longiflorum) trumpet-shaped flowers symbolize spring and are best known as a traditional Easter decoration. This perennial bulb bears large, fragrant white flowers.
The plant’s thick, rigid stem grows upright and is covered in long, thin, dark green leaves. Abundant foliage, paired with the eye-popping flowers, makes this plant a striking addition to any garden.

Easter Lily Care
Keep Easter lilies by a window with bright, indirect sunlight.
Protect the plant from cold drafts and heat sources, like vents, fireplaces, and appliances.
Remove pot from basket when watering- dont allow standing water.
Remove spent flowers by cutting them off with a sharp pair of clean scissors.

Easter Lily


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